Covering an area of 1520 square km, the Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS) contains a wealth of flora and fauna, including some of the most scenic alpine lakes in Bhutan. The park was created out of a need for the protection of the full range of natural ecosystems found between the Indian plains and the high Himalayas, specifically in the temperate zone.
Located at an elevation of 1,500- 6,00 meters, the sanctuary is one o the country’s two winter roosting spots for the Black Necked Cranes.
The park shares ecosystem buffer zones with part of Trashiyangtse, Lhuntshe, and Mongar Dzongkhags, and international borders with China in the north and the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh in the northeast. The three main rivers in the park are Kulong Chhu in the east, Khoma Chhu in the west, and Sheri Chhu in the south.